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SUJET : clutch hard to use - help diagnose problem

clutch hard to use - help diagnose problem 30 Oct 2021 10:32 #78305

my clutch pedal needs to be pressed all the way to the floor or the gears grind

i have recent master and slave and bled many times with various methods

how can i fix this ? i see some people have bent release arms , ive never abused this car only driven with care , is there a way to confirm the arm is good /bad without taking off the gearbox
1991 g60 edition one golf
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clutch hard to use - help diagnose problem 30 Oct 2021 17:27 #78309

  • yul (alex)
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How much km have the disk?
Membre du G60 Classic Club France
19pg24 LA5U/16VG65
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clutch hard to use - help diagnose problem 30 Oct 2021 19:24 #78310

100.000 km or so
1991 g60 edition one golf
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clutch hard to use - help diagnose problem 02 Nov 2021 11:45 #78372

  • yul (alex)
  • Portrait de yul (alex)
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Are you sure that is not an issue with the cables gear set up ? :hum2:
Membre du G60 Classic Club France
19pg24 LA5U/16VG65
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clutch hard to use - help diagnose problem 03 Nov 2021 07:51 #78408

yes im sure..cables dont effect how the clutch works
1991 g60 edition one golf
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clutch hard to use - help diagnose problem 03 Nov 2021 09:14 #78409

  • yul (alex)
  • Portrait de yul (alex)
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yes it is, the cable have incidence on the gearbox. Try to change the setup to see if it's better.

If not, no choice you have to take off :triste:
Membre du G60 Classic Club France
19pg24 LA5U/16VG65
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